Got a question? This is the place to find out everything you need to know about our products and services.

Are Abbott oral nutritional supplements, tube feeds and powders suitable for people with diabetes?

Yes, Glucerna SR Triple Care is the specific formula for people with diabetes.

The product should be used under medical supervision and advice should always be sought from a dietitian or doctor on which oral nutritional supplement or tube feed is most suitable to meet individual requirements.

Are Abbott oral nutritional supplements, tube feeds and powders suitable for a Halal diet?

Yes, the majority of Abbott feeds are suitable for Halal diets. The feeds that are suitable for a Halal diet are:


Oral nutritional supplements for adults

Ensure Powder

Ensure Gold Powder

Ensure Liquid

Glucerna SR Triple Care Powder

Glucerna SR Triple Care Liquid


Specialist feeds for Adults

ProSure Powder

ProSure Liquid


Tube feeds for adults

Jevity Powder


Oral nutritional supplements for children (1-10 Years)

Pediasure 1+ Complete Powder

Pediasure 3+ Complete Plus DHA


Specialist infant formulas (0-1 Year)

Similac Comfort 1 Powder

Similac Lactose Free

Isomil AI-Q Plus

Similac Alimentum AI-Q Plus

Similac Neosure


Follow-on formulas (6 Months-3 Years)

Similac Comfort 2 Powder


Soy formulas (>1 Year)

Isomil Plus AI-Q Plus Powder


Beverage for Everyone in the Family

Similac Comfort 3 Powder

Pediasure +

Glucerna Plus

Are Abbott oral nutritional supplements, tube feeds and powders milk protein free?

No, all Abbott feeds contain milk protein. However, the protein in Similac Alimentum AI-Q Plus is extensively hydrolysed. Hydrolysing or breaking down milk protein into small pieces (peptides) reduces the likelihood of the immune system recognising the protein and in turn the likelihood of an allergic reaction. 

Are Abbott oral nutritional supplements, tube feeds and powders suitable for vegans?

No. All Abbott feeds contain milk protein and are not suitable for people following a vegan diet.

Are Abbott oral nutritional supplements, tube feeds and powders suitable for vegetarians?

No. All Abbott feeds are not suitable for vegetarians.