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The administration of feed through an enteral feeding tube as a series of smaller volume feeds given at regular intervals. Bolus feeds can be delivered with an enteral syringe or bolus set using a plunger, gravity or a feeding pump.



Calories are a measure of the energy we get from our food and drink. Our bodies use the energy from calories in order to function properly.1


Cirrhosis is scarring of the liver, meaning it may not function properly. It is caused by long-term damage from things such as heavy alcohol use, hepatitis infections, or other liver problems.2


Constipation is where you have changes to how you poo, including not pooing as often, or finding it hard to poo. It can also cause stomach aches, bloating and can make you feel sick.3



A form of treatment used for people whose kidneys aren’t working properly. Kidneys normally filter blood to remove waste products and excess fluids, turning them into urine. Dialysis does this for you if your kidneys are not able to do so effectively. There are two main types of dialysis. Heamodialysis is where blood is filtered through a machine that acts as an artificial kidney, cleaning it and returning it to the body. Peritoneal dialysis uses the inside lining of the abdomen (the peritoneum) as the filter rather than the machine.4


The process where our body breaks down the food we eat into smaller pieces so it can absorb the nutrients it needs.5


Digestive problems (sometimes know as gastrointestinal conditions) affect the gut or digestive system. Common symptoms include stomach pain, feeling sick, diarrhoea, constipation and poor appetite.6


The digestive system is a group of organs which break down food into nutrients which are used to provide us with energy and keep us healthy. As food moves through our digestive system, it is broken down and is absorbed , along with water, into the body.6



Electrolytes are minerals that help our bodies function. They can help balance fluids and enable our muscles and nerves to work properly. Some common electrolytes include sodium, potassium, and chloride, which can be found in many foods and drinks.7


Enteral tube feeding uses specially prepared liquid feeds, which will be recommended to you by your healthcare professional. Enteral feeding is often used when a person is unable to take all of their food and drink orally.8



A type of carbohydrate found in plant-based foods, such as fruit, vegetables and wholegrain cereals, that the body can’t fully digest.9



The digestive system breaks down foods into nutrients our bodies need. When the digestive system is unable to process or break down some foods, it can cause symptoms such as diarrhoea, stomach pain, sickness and bloating.10


Issues with your digestive system may lead to symptoms such as stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, bloating or constipation.10



Someone who works in healthcare, who might treat you if you get sick or injured. Examples of healthcare professionals include doctors, nurses, GPs, dietitians or consultants.



A condition where the body does not get the right amount of essential nutrients (such as energy and protein) that it needs. It might refer to undernutrition (where the body does not get enough nutrients) and overnutrition (where the body gets too many nutrients).11


Muscle loss is when our muscles start to shrink or become weaker. It can be caused by ageing, injury, illness or if we don’t or can’t move around enough.12,13



Essential substances that the body needs to grow, function and stay healthy. Our body often needs different types of nutrients to stay healthy and reduce the risk of illnesses and diseases. Nutrients mainly come from our food and provide our bodies with the energy we need to build and repair tissue and support overall wellbeing. Essential nutrients include protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water – all of which play different roles in helping our bodies work properly.14,15


Our body needs a combination of different nutrients to stay healthy. The amount of each nutrient needed is often called a ‘nutritional requirement’. Nutritional needs vary from person to person.15


If your healthcare professional thinks that you aren’t getting all of the nutrition you need, they might provide you with some nutritional support to make sure you get the energy, protein, vitamins and minerals your body requires. Nutritional support might include advice on your diet, or your healthcare professional may recommend nutritional support from an oral nutritional supplement or support via a tube feed if you aren’t able to get all of the nutrients you need from the food you eat.



Specialised drinks or supplements that are designed to deliver additional nutrients that the body might be having trouble obtaining as part of your regular diet. These supplements (which are sometimes known as sip feeds) often have added energy, protein, vitamins and minerals. The type of oral nutritional supplement recommended to you by your healthcare professional will depend on your own individual needs. 



Protein is a nutrient that can be found in lots of things we eat, such as meat, fish, eggs, soya and legumes such as beans and lentils. It is important to help our bodies work properly.16 



A tube feed is a way of getting food and nutrients directly into your body via a tube if you are unable to eat safely, for example, if you have difficulty swallowing, or you are able to eat, but can’t eat enough to meet your nutritional needs. Tube feeds may be inserted directly into your stomach through a tube (enteral nutrition) or it can be given through your nose via a nasogastric tube.8


1. NHS, 2023. Understanding calories. Available online Last accessed February 2024.
2. NHS, 2023. Cirrhosis. Available online Last accessed February 2024.
3. NHS, 2023. Constipation. Available online Last accessed February 2024.
4. NHS, 2023. Dialysis. Available online Last accessed February 2024.
5. Justin J Dhamoon AS. StatPearls Publishing 2024
6. NHS Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust, 2022. Gastrointestinal conditions. Available online: Last accessed February 2024
7. BUPA, 2022. What are electrolytes and why do I need them? Available online Last accessed February 2024. 
8. Cancer Research UK, Types of tube feeding. Available online Last accessed February 2024.
9. British Nutrition Foundation, Fibre. Available online Last accessed February 2024. 
10. NHS, 2022. Food intolerance. Available online: Last accessed February 2024. 
11. NHS, 2020. Malnutrition. Available online: Last accessed February 2024.
12. Argiles JM et al. JAMDA 2016;17:789-796.
13. Chen X et al. J Transl Med 2023;21(1):503
14. Morris AL & Mohiuddin SS. StatPearls Publishing 2024.
15. British Nutrition Foundation 2022. Nutrient Requirements. Available online: Last accessed February 2024 
16. British Nutrition Foundation, Protein. Available online Last accessed February 2024.

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