

Mohamad Zuhib Munshi

Publish Date:

September 2023 | 5 Minutes


In line with valuable feedback from HCPs, our eRegistration portal has recently been enhanced, with more improvements to follow.

This article provides an in-depth exploration of these updates and a preview of upcoming features and upgrades due to be launched in the coming months.



Recognising the evolving needs of Healthcare Professionals (HCPs) and their patients, Abbott’s eRegistration portal has undergone a series of updates, with more to come, aimed at improving user experience and functionality. These enhancements, driven by valuable user feedback, underscore Abbott’s commitment to continuous improvement of the eRegistration portal for our HCPs.


Empowering Healthcare Professionals: A Holistic Portal

At its core, the eRegistration portal is a comprehensive platform that integrates essential functionalities under one virtual roof. It supports HCPs who are responsible for enterally fed patients, serving as a hub for communication, medical record access, and collaboration with Abbott's nursing team.

By aggregating patient orders, medical records, and enabling sharing of these records between different healthcare providers on the patient pathway, the eRegistration portal provides tools for HCPs to monitor patient progress and compliance. The convenience of a one-stop solution eliminates the need for toggling between various touchpoints to access different types of information. Moreover, the portal enables HCPs to work collectively by facilitating the sharing of patient data among specialized centers, fostering a collaborative approach to patient care.

Figure 1 – Sharing patient information between healthcare providers

Figure 1 – Sharing patient information between healthcare providers

User-Centric Updates: A Deeper Dive

One notable aspect of the eRegistration portal's recent evolution is its commitment to enhancing user experience through strategic updates. User feedback is collected regularly through focus groups, emails to abbott.esolutions@nhs.net, customer review meetings and ad-hoc feedback provided to our Contract Managers and Account Managers. These changes stem from such feedback, illustrating Abbott’s dedication to ensuring the platform's alignment with the needs and preferences of our users.

Button Colours for Enhanced Navigation

A significant update in the recent wave of improvements involved refining the user interface by modifying button colours, which were originally grey, but are now more in line with our branding based on latest customer feedback. This seemingly small adjustment has had a considerable impact on navigation, making it easier for the users to select and access information they require. The change reflects the developers' careful consideration of user experience and their commitment to ensuring a smooth and intuitive journey through the portal.

Figure 2 – Updates to button colours

Figure 2 – Updates to button colours

Internal Efficiency: Quicker Form Updates for Abbott’s Nurses Advisors

While the user-facing updates are visible testaments to the platform's commitment to excellence, not all enhancements are immediately apparent. A change that might not directly affect customers, but significantly improves internal efficiencies for the Abbott Hospital2Home (H2H) team is the streamlined form update process for nurses. This update enables faster and more efficient uploads of patient visit data. Forms can also be directly assigned to patient records and viewed by HCPs at any time. This adjustment ensures that the commitment to excellence permeates every facet of the portal's functionality.

Figure 3 – Updates to patient visit data forms
Figure 3 – Updates to patient visit data forms
Coming soon: Delivery-Incident Hashtags: Making Issue Resolution More Efficient

Efficiency of issue resolution is absolutely paramount for our customers, which is why one of our next strategic updates will be focussed on enhancing this feature withing the portal even further.

The Hashtag Incident Scenario, currently in testing but soon to be launched, is an innovative addition which will help to streamline the way HCPs report and track delivery-related issues, which the H2H will resolve.

Traditionally, contacting support via email led to extensive back-and-forth communication. With the Hashtag Incident Scenario function, HCPs will now be able to register delivery-related incidents directly on the portal and escalate issues as needed. This novel approach maintains an organised communication thread, providing HCPs and the Abbott H2H team with the ability to refer back to the entire communication history, ensuring transparency, accountability, and a swift resolution.

Figure 4 – Delivery Incident Hashtag menu

Figure 4 – Delivery Incident Hashtag menu


UK-N/A-2300299  |  September 2023
